
How It Works

It doesn’t matter whether you train at home or a commercial gym. All programs are customized to meet your goals using the equipment that you have available and are delivered via Train Heroic. This app is available on all smartphones and makes tracking your workouts a breeze! Not only does it lay out what needs to be done, but it provides demonstration videos, tracks your performance, and uses that data to provide you with real-time feedback and weight recommendation.  Check out the video below to see how it works.

What kind of Programs are available?

At Shield Barbell we focus on you as an individual and what your specific goals are. Some example programs that we have built include General Health and Wellness, Sport Specific Programs, Tactical Fitness, and Bodybuilding.

General Health and Wellness

This type of program is geared towards individuals that are interested in being healthy and able to enjoy an active lifestyle.

Athletic Training

This type of program is geared towards optimizing an athletes performance in their chosen sport. 

Tactical Fitness

This type of program is geared towards active duty military and first responders. The program utilizes functional training based on occupational hazards and job requirements. 


This type of program is geared towards individuals that want to achieve the ultimate physique. 

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